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University of Turin

The University of Turin was founded as a studium in 1404, under the initiative of Prince Ludovico di Savoia. From 1427 to 1436 the seat of the university was transferred to Chieri and Savigliano. It was closed in 1536 following the invasion of the Savoy lands by France, and reestablished by Duke Emmanuel Philibert thirty years later. It started to gain its modern shape following the model of the University of Bologna, although significant development did not occur until the reforms made by Victor Amadeus II, who also created the Collegio delle Province for students not natives of Turin.

With the reforms carried out by Victor Amadeus II, the University of Turin became a new reference model for many other universities. During the 19th century, the University faced an enormous growth in faculty and endowment size, becoming a point of reference of the Italian Positivism. Notable scholars of this period include Cesare Lombroso, Carlo Forlanini, and Arturo Graf.

In the 20th century, the University of Turin was one of the centres of the Italian anti-fascism movement. After the post-war period, the increase in the number of students and the improvement of campus structure were imposed, although they lost some of their importance until a new wave of investments was carried out at the end of that century. The new impulse was performed in collaboration with other national and international research centres, as well as with local organizations and the Italian Minister of Public Instruction.

Seeking university admissions in Italy? Look no further. Dr. Anil Khare offers comprehensive admission counseling services for the University of Turin and esteemed universities across Italy. With expertise in university admissions and consulting, he specializes in crafting impeccable SOPs and impactful Letters of Recommendation. Navigating the intricacies of Italy’s admission process is made easy under his guidance, providing access to prestigious colleges throughout the country. Contact Dr. Anil Khare at +971 55 956 4344 for personalized assistance. Your academic aspirations in Italy are just a call away from being realized.

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