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+971 4 355 4850
Dubai- UAE
Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare

Mathematics Admission Counselling

Mathematics Admission Counselling in Dubai


What is mathematics? Aristotle’s definition goes like this:

Mathematics is “the science of quantity.”

Isidore Auguste Comte called it “the science of indirect measurement.” 

Benjamin Peirce described it as:

“The science that draws necessary conclusions.”

As new branches are discovered in mathematics, the definition changes and evolves as well. This is the appeal of math degrees. As experts in Math, the career counsellors at Amourion Training Institute will guide you and help you learn more about the top universities of the world for mathematics, topics in HL mathematics, as well as potential careers that a degree in mathematics opens up.

If you wish to study math at the undergraduate level, you should take a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics. There are institutions in Canada, Australia, India, US, Russia and the Philippines that give a Bachelor of Mathematics degree. For instance, “Mathematical Tripos” is the undergraduate degree in Mathematics provided at the University of Cambridge.

It takes 3-4 years to complete most mathematics degrees with full-time study. There are institutions that offer MMath - Masters in Mathematics as the first degree, which means that students may enroll to learn advanced level mathematics right after their secondary education is completed. Some of the top institutions offer placement years so that students have the opportunity to work in the industry, and apply their mathematical skills to get practical knowledge.

Mathematics degree classes involve a combination of seminars and lectures, with students spending independent time working on problem sets. Assessment format, however, varies with the institution, as it is based on exams, practical coursework or both.

Typically, a mathematics degree program is a combination of:

  1. Pure mathematics which consists of theory and abstract
  2. Applied mathematics which involves practical application 

Pure and applied mathematics are offered by some institutions as separate degrees as well, which gives the student a choice to focus on one. Apart from this, Mathematics is sometimes available as a joint-honors degree, and is paired with subjects such as business management, economics, computer science, finance, music, history, philosophy, statistics, physics, and sports science.


  • 1803, Al Moosa Tower 2, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE
  • +971 55 956 4344
    +971 4 355 4850

How Dr Anil Khare can provide guidance for a career in Mathematics?

As a Mathematical genius and career guidance expert in Dubai, Dr Anil Khare has helped hundreds of IB students as well as students in other curricula to pursue their dreams. As a well-known career counsellor in the education community in Dubai, Dr Khare will help you find your area of interest and work towards a promising career goal. For students who enrol with him with a wish to pursue a degree in Mathematics that Dr Anil Khare specialises in, his guidance begins right from the school years while choosing core subjects of study. Amourion and IB Scholars are institutes owned by Dr Khare for all your educational and IB needs respectively. For further details on how to pursue a career in Math, contact Amourion Training Institute, the best educational training centre in Dubai and the most popular centre for career guidance in Dubai.

To learn more about the best Math courses and universities abroad for students studying in Dubai, drop in a message to Amourion Training Institute. To book an appointment with Dr Anil Khare – the Mathematics specialist career counsellor in Dubai, call us today!

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