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+971 4 355 4850
Dubai- UAE
Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare

Data Science Admission Counselling

Data Science Admission Counselling in Dubai

Data Science

Known as one of the hottest employment opportunities in the current technological era, Data Scientists are highly in demand. If you scroll through the listed job openings on LinkedIn, you will find a large number of opportunities for Data Scientists. They gather and analyse huge sets of data which exists in a structured or unstructured format. The role is a combination of computer science, mathematics and statistics. Basically, Data Scientists examine, process and model data and then create action plans for organisations based on their interpretation of the data.

Being analytical experts, Data Scientists implement their technological skills and their knowledge in social science to identify trends and manage large sets of data. They help solve business problems by using industry knowledge and contextual reasoning. 

They try to uncover messy and unstructured data derived from sources like smart devices, emails and social media feeds. The key requirements are technical skills, strong communications skills to convey complex ideas and decision-making skills to make data-driven decisions within the organisation. 

Owing to the importance of Data Scientists and Data Managers in today’s tech-driven economy, they enjoy high salaries and exponential growth.

Let us look at the steps to consider for a student pursuing a career in Data Science:
  1. Enrol in an undergraduate degree in data science
  2. Acquire the skills to be a data scientist
  3. Opt for specialization
  4. Get placed in an entry-level data scientist job
  5. Consider certifications in data science
  6. Enrol in a master’s degree in data science


  • Suite 2703-04 (27th floor), Al Moosa Tower 2, Near Emirates Tower Metro Station (South Exit), Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
  • +971 55 956 4344
    +971 4 355 4850

How Dr Anil Khare can help students interested in becoming Data Scientists

If you are a student with a passion for technology and wish to become a Data Scientist in future, we have you covered. As a highly regarded career counsellor and educational expert in Dubai, Dr Anil Khare is the best person to help you achieve your career dreams in Data Science. 

He has helped thousands of UAE students to understand where their capabilities lie and to aim high to become high achievers in life. As a highly knowledgeable counsellor in Dubai with years of experience behind him, Dr Khare will help you choose the right universities for a career in Data Science. 

Contact Amourion Training Institute for exhaustive support in your education, be it training, test preparation or career counselling. 

Students and parents alike find themselves confused when it is time to choose the right career that interests the student as well. 

As a highly regarded career consultant in the UAE, parents and students in the UAE approach Dr Anil Khare to get a better idea on career goals and future plans. With years of experience in the career guidance industry in the UAE, Dr Khare will be able to clear your confusions regarding your aspirations to pursue a career in Data Science for students in Dubai and the Middle East.

To learn more about the best IT courses and universities for students in Dubai, call Amourion Training Institute. You may also book an appointment with Dr Anil Khare – the most experienced IT career counsellor in Dubai. 

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