Choosing where to live is a big decision. You’ll want to love where you live, so you can get the most from your international study experience. You need to feel safe, with access to people that can support you when needed.
Why choose Anil Khare?
Dr. Anil Khare can guide you to choose your next home through our trusted accommodation partners across Australia, Canada, UK, the USA, and New Zealand. We also have access to some exclusive Amourion rates and deals. Use our comparison tool or ask your Amourion counselor for help choosing the right option for you. They can also help you through the application process once you’ve made your decision.
What are my options?
Student Apartments
Student apartments are a fantastic choice if you’re looking for convenience, affordability, and the chance to share your experience with students from all over the world. Everything you need is in one place and you can move in straight away.
Why choose a Student Apartment?
It’s easy to make friends and socialise
Support staff are available if need help or are unsure about anything
Apartments are usually close to campus, so you spend less time travelling
You live in a safe, secure environment.
A Homestay is perfect if you want to stay with a local family to experience their culture and lifestyle. Host families chosen by our providers are easy-going, friendly people and will make you welcome in their home. You’ll stay in a comfortable room of your own and share meals at home with your new family. Your host can also give you tips on interesting places to explore and how to get there.
Why choose a Homestay?
It’s a good way to improve your English
You’ll make new friends and discover what the residents/locals are like!
Living in a family can help you feel less homesick
You have someone to guide and support you as you settle in.
We’ve done the hard work for you by putting together an awesome range of accommodation options to fit your needs and budget. All our partners are chosen for their reputation as trusted accommodation providers for students.
Are you interested to study abroad? Call Us now to Schedule Counseling Sessions With our Expert Admission Consultant in Dubai.
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