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Study in USA

USA Education Consultants in Dubai

USA Universities Admission Consulting

About United States

United States, officially United States of America, abbreviated U.S. or U.S.A., byname America, country in North America, a federal republic of 50 federal republic states. US has exotic tourist locations, beaches, historical monuments, museums and a lot of recreational sites. It has become a home to many international students who cherish the good quality of life and enjoy the scenic beauty, weather, social benefits, education and great career opportunities.

Why study in the US?

Here are top reasons why studying in the US could be the best decision of your life:

Global recognition

If you study in the United States, you enjoy the advantage of having your degree recognized across the globe. With more than 5000 universities and colleges, you have a wide range of courses and schools to select from. It is also home to 50% of the top universities in the world.

Research Oriented Education

Universities in the US has the most advanced research infrastructure that enables students to develop innovative ideas and conduct scientific researches. It is also home to the world's most successful start-up sand innovations. It encourages a study environment where students can become entrepreneurs and innovators.

Most Popular Destination

The United States has always been a dream country for every international student dreaming to study abroad. With its amazing cities and lifetime opportunities, it is no doubt the top destination on every student’s list for higher education.

Popular cities to study in the US

The United States is a great country to pursue higher education and each student's interest may take him/her to a different city and school. But some cities are most popular and rate very highly on the list for students looking to study in US.

  • Boston
  • New York
  • San Francisco
  • Los Angeles
  • Washington DC
  • Philadelphia
  • San Diego
Top Universities in US
  • Harvard University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Stanford University
  • Columbia University
  • University of Chicago
  • University of California Berkeley
  • Yale University
Variety of Courses

A student can study in the US for anything he can think of. You are free and fortunate to choose from a wide range of disciplines, schools and programs. Schools offer various programs at different levels such as Foundation programs, Associate degrees, Bachelors, Masters and PhD. There are also some common subjects that can be found in most schools such as Engineering, Architecture, Computer Science, Accounting, Economics, Medicine, Law, Fashion Design, Psychology etc

How to get enrolled in the US universities

If you have confirmed to join in the US universities, you have to go through a lot of steps in the admission procedure to fulfill the requirements of the university, by that they can scrutinize you considering the caliber and capacity you have. Generally, the procedures are -

  • Search the colleges and universities
  • Go through the websites and contact the authority
  • Finalize the list of the colleges
  • Complete the entrance exams like SATGMATGRETOEFLIELTS (depending the eligibility requirement)
  • Write SOP and complete LOR
  • Complete the application process in your interested university and subjects
  • Appear for video interviews 
  • Once selected, apply for the visa 
Scholarship Opportunities

Universities in the US offer numerous scholarship opportunities to encourage bright students to come and study in the US. Even top universities in US will offer scholarships for deserving candidates.

Some well-known programs are AVVO scholarship program, Berkeley International Student scholarship, Annual CGtrader scholarship, Cappex American Scholarship, Fulbright foreign student program and many more. Universities like American University, Amherst College, Clark University, Concordia, Dartmouth, Wesleyan University and more offer generous merit scholarships to international students.

Employment Opportunities

The United States of America is often referred to as “land of opportunities” because it not only has a great education but promising career opportunities as well. American universities and colleges allow international students to work up to 20 hours part-time on campus. Alternatively, students can also select CPT (Curricular Practical Training) to hone the skills and knowledge acquired in their studies. Almost every American university has a career department that helps students participate in educational events, fairs, competitions etc. Also, international students who successfully complete their undergraduate or postgraduate program are entitled to get one year of OPT (Optional Practical Training) and STEM students can get OPT up to 36 months.

Are you interested to study in USA? Call Us now to Schedule a Counseling Sessions With our Expert USA Admission Consultant in Dubai.

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