Develop the skills to ensure you are well-prepared for your university interview.
What will you learn?
Our University Interview Skills course will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to prepare for your interview. We demystify the interview process by delving into the interviewer’s perspective, the information they already have about you and the criteria they’re using to assess you. The course will also explore the types of questions you’ll be asked and how best to tackle them, and develop tools to manage nerves and negative thoughts, to enable you to have a more enjoyable and informative experience.
INTRODUCTORY CLASS:Course Introduction. Getting to know your study group and tutor. Checking your skills.
UNDERSTANDING THE INTERVIEW: Understanding what to expect from the interview process. Understanding the interviewer’s perspective, what they already know about you and how this information is used. Developing awareness of the traits that interviewers look for in a candidate.
YOUR UNIVERSITY APPLICATION: Conducting research so that you can talk with confidence about your chosen course and university. Understanding how interviewers may refer to your personal statement and any submitted written work. Developing a wider reading strategy to deepen your academic knowledge.
THINKING ON YOUR FEET: Planning ahead so that the interview goes smoothly. Controlling your nerves so that you can approach difficulties calmly. Reframing negative thoughts so that you can maintain a positive outlook.
THE BIG DAY: Learning how to approach questions calmly, to formulate relevant, focused answers. Learning how to cope with unseen texts and problems. Practising speaking your thought process out loud when answering questions.
SUMMING UP: Reflecting on your performance throughout the course. Completing your Personal Development Plan by learning how to set SMART Objectives.
Summer School Courses
Our summer courses are specifically designed for students who wish to study intensively in a short period of time.
Junior MBA Programme
Applying for University
University Interview Skills
Creative Writing
Personal Statement Writing
Applied Mathematics
Quantum Theory
English Masterclass
Critical Thinking
Making an Impact
Creative Problem Solving
Digital Marketing
Social Media
Suite 2703-04 (27th floor), Al Moosa Tower 2, Near Emirates Tower Metro Station (South Exit), Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
+971 55 956 4344
+971 4 355 4850
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