Since 1999
Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare
+971 4 355 4850
Dubai- UAE
Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare

IB Tutoring in Dubai

Who Is The Best IB Math Tutor

Join the best IB Tutoring in Dubai

International Baccalaureate and its scope in the world today is immense. The curriculum is so intricately designed that it takes incredible patience from both teachers and students to pull through. I have studied this curriculum day in and day out to gain mastery over the subject matter, examination framework and marking scheme. With my extensive and exhaustive knowledge, I am able to benefit students in both IB-MYP and IB-DP. Additionally, my team has expertise in assisting students with their Internal Assessment, TOK Essays and Presentations, and Extended Essays.

There is no tutor in Dubai who will have everything related to IB sorted under one roof, but due to my undying zeal to be one of the best IB tutors in Dubai, I have worked to assemble everything related to IB curriculum under one roof. From past papers to assignment samples to chapter-wise tests, you name any IB HL/SL resource, I have it! I work closely with both IB – Middle Years Programme and Diploma Programme in tandem with the requirements stipulated by IB Organization.

I specialize in:

IB Physics HL/SL
IB Chemistry HL/SL
IB Economics HL/SL

I provide help, guidance, and solution for all your IB projects and assignments like:

  • World literature help
  • TOK help
  • Extended Essay help
  • Historical Investigation (IA) help
  • Geography IA help
  • ITGS help
About IB

Middle Years Program

The IB-MYP emphasizes erudite challenge. It fosters students between the age group of 11-16 to rationally relate between their instructive training and the physical world, progressively preparing them for higher studies.

Diploma Program

The DP curriculum offered is aimed at students between the age group of 16-19. It comprises of 6 subject divisions and the core elements which contain Theory of Knowledge (TOK); Extended Essay and CAS -Creativity, Activity, and Service.

  • Thorough knowledge of all the subject-wise concepts
  • Strategies required to solve certain question types
  • Time management while writing the finals
  • To make the core curriculum elements better
who can enrol
  • Students going to Grade 9 and above


  • Suite 2703-04 (27th floor), Al Moosa Tower 2, Near Emirates Tower Metro Station (South Exit), Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
  • +971 55 956 4344
    +971 4 355 4850


Download the course prospectus for a quick review of my IB tutoring support in Dubai.

60 Hours

9000 AED
  • Level : Going to 11th
  • Lesson: All
  • Includes: Past Papers, Study Materials & Assignments

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90 Hours

13,500 AED
  • Level : Going to 12th
  • Lesson: All
  • Includes: Past Papers, Study Materials & Assignments
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    IB Tutor in Dubai

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)