Over 15 years of counseling thousands of students and building a vast network of university contacts, we know exactly what works where. We assess your current profile carefully and based on our extensive experience and database, we give you 2 kinds of shortlists: tentative (if you don’t have your exam score yet) and final (if you do have your exam score).
Tentative shortlist is a list of 15-18 universities with their application deadlines and target scores. Target scores are based on your current profile and preference. With the help of this list, you can also get an idea of the time frame needed to prepare for your exam and to choose an exam date.
Final shortlist is a list of 15-18 universities that are categorized into your chances of admission:
Difficult – up to 30%
Less Difficult – up to 50%
Good Chance – up to 75% or more
We will explain to you the rationale behind choosing the universities in a telephonic or in-person meeting with you. Student satisfaction is of utmost importance to us and as such, there is no limit to the number of iterations we offer before you approve of the final university shortlist.
Are you interested to study abroad? Call Us now to Schedule Counseling Sessions With our Expert Admission Consultant in Dubai.
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