Since 1999
Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare
+971 4 355 4850
Dubai- UAE
Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare

IGCSE Tutoring in Dubai

Join the best IGCSE Tutoring in Dubai

International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is the best among the world-class syllabus. This curriculum is framed with deep research considering students’ psychological development and international vision of knowledge but it takes time to understand for the students as well as parents. I have spent time and worked hard to get an understanding of the curriculum framework, examination pattern, grading system, and core extra-curricular activities. With my wide range of knowledge, I can assist students in IGCSE all subjects and I have an experienced team to help you in internal assessment, exam preparation, presentation, and essay writings. 

No tutor is available in Dubai who can guide, train, and promise proficiency in the IGCSE curriculum under one roof. I was much passionate about creating a center for it. I did great hard work by collecting old question papers, assignments, class tests, other international papers of collaborative works and worked with IGSCE curriculum experts, teachers, organizations, and academicians to know about the new trends and modifications. Finally, I made it! Here is what I made under one roof. 

I specialize in:

Business Studies

I assist in all your assignment and projects work: 

  • Work literature Help
  • Historical Investigation Help
  • Technical Help
  • Writing help

IGCSE stands for International General Certificate of Secondary Education is based on the British curriculum and modified for international acceptance. It offers over 70 subjects with 30 languages aiming the students from different linguistic backgrounds, helping them to continue in their local language and Core and Extended curriculum papers. Universities accept all IGCSE and GCSE board scores.

  • Deep knowledge of all subject-wise concepts.
  • Methodologies are required to solve all kinds of questions.
  • Time management tips for the examinations.
  • To know more core curriculum better
who can enrol
  • Students going to Grade 9 and above


  • Suite 2703-04 (27th floor), Al Moosa Tower 2, Near Emirates Tower Metro Station (South Exit), Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
  • +971 55 956 4344
    +971 4 355 4850


Download the course prospectus for a quick review of my IB tutoring support in Dubai.

60 Hours

9000 AED
  • Level : Going to 11th
  • Lesson: All
  • Includes: Past Papers, Study Materials & Assignments
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90 Hours

13,500 AED
  • Level : Going to 12th
  • Lesson: All
  • Includes: Past Papers, Study Materials & Assignments
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    IB Tutor in Dubai

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)