We are once again offering our popular English Masterclass course through an engaging, interactive distance learning programme and an intensive in-person session.
Over the past four years, Summer at Amourion’s English Masterclass course has been one of our most popular, with students of all levels developing and deepening their English language skills. Results have shown many students increasing their reading age by one or two years over our brief yet intensive programme.
Who should take this course?
English Masterclass offers a broad range of opportunities for students of all ages and levels. The popularity of this course allows us to place students in different sections with a specialised teacher who will meet them where they are. This course is for budding authors or researchers, for those who long for literature, for those who dream of deeper understandings, and for those who simply want to strengthen their academic English language skills in preparation for high school or university. The course is designed to stretch students in areas of academic writing, research, creative writing, literature analysis, presentations, and critical thinking skills.
What skills and knowledge will participants gain through the course?
Put simply, all students should expect to leave with experiences, skills and knowledge they didn’t come with. English Masterclass students will gain skills and techniques in creative and academic writing and research, increasing their ability to think critically and write convincingly. Students will gain a deeper appreciation for the English language and the depth of thought required to understand and communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
Distance learning structure
English Masterclass Online will allow teachers to spend more time working individually with students while also providing synchronous lessons and recorded teaching videos captured in Amourion classrooms. .
The English Masterclass Distance Learning Module will Include:
An interactive website with coursework guided by written instructions and engaging video lessons from our teachers and instructional videos from around Woodstock campus
Two one-hour sessions a week of group classes with no more than 10 students per teacher
One hour/week of one-on-one synchronous Zoom time with the teacher, where the teacher will give individualised feedback and work on areas of English specific to the learner
One hour/week of individualised asynchronous feedback
Age range – 10-18
Distance Learning Sessions
Distance Learning Session 1 – April 12 and May 21, 2022
Distance Learning Session 2 – June 22 and August 3, 2022
Summer School Courses
Our summer courses are specifically designed for students who wish to study intensively in a short period of time.
Junior MBA Programme
Applying for University
University Interview Skills
Creative Writing
Personal Statement Writing
Applied Mathematics
Quantum Theory
English Masterclass
Critical Thinking
Making an Impact
Creative Problem Solving
Digital Marketing
Social Media
Suite 2703-04 (27th floor), Al Moosa Tower 2, Near Emirates Tower Metro Station (South Exit), Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
+971 55 956 4344
+971 4 355 4850
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