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Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare
+971 4 355 4850
Dubai- UAE
Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare

Machine Learning Admission Counselling

Machine Learning Admission Counselling in Dubai

Machine Learning

One of the most in-demand courses, Machine Learning is a specialized discipline within computer science, in which students study the art of programming computers to perform autonomously and learn from new inputs. Its applications encompass various career fields including business and marketing, law enforcement and social media.

Plenty of universities all over the world, especially in the US and the UK, offer Machine Learning degrees at graduate, undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Machine Learning may also be taken within Data Science degrees. In this case, machines are taught to interpret large data sets and learn patterns.

During the course, students are taught machine learning methods at an advanced level, combined with practical knowledge and experience with respect to their application to real-world problems. Upon completion, students may opt for a data scientist job, that of a computational statistician or a machine learning engineer.

Some of the modules covered are probabilistic modelling, unstructured data processing, anomaly detection and deep learning. Apart from a strong foundation in Mathematics and Statistics that in turn strengthen analytical skills, the student develops expertise in implementing machine learning solutions that are scalable. Another aspect that is explored is the ethical issues concerning machine learning. Machine Learning graduates acquire the ability to turn data into actionable forecasts and strategic decision-making skills for the organization.


  • Suite 2703-04 (27th floor), Al Moosa Tower 2, Near Emirates Tower Metro Station (South Exit), Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
  • +971 55 956 4344
    +971 4 355 4850

How Dr Anil Khare provides guidance for a career in Machine Learning

For the tech-geeks who wish to pursue Machine Learning as a career, Dr Anil Khare can provide you with proper guidance on the course itself and the best universities that offer Machine Learning. A highly acclaimed career counselling expert in Dubai, place your trust in Dr Anil Khare and be rest assured of a promising future in Machine Learning.


Having helped innumerable students all over the UAE achieve their career dreams and their study abroad aspirations, Dr Anil Khare can be contacted through Amourion Training Institute for a one-on-one session on career goals. It is his ability to understand the potential of students and their interests that has made him what he is today – the best Machine Learning career counsellor in Dubai.

Contact Amourion Training Institute for year-round support and training, test preparation and career counselling.

To learn more about Machine Learning courses and universities for students in Dubai, contact Amourion Training Institute, or book an appointment with Dr Anil Khare – the most experienced Machine Learning academic counsellor in Dubai.

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