In this course, participants will learn the basics of writing a work of fiction. We will discuss all aspects of crafting a compelling narrative from inspiration to character development to editing your first draft. Participants will have the opportunity to receive detailed feedback on a series of small writing assignments and develop a sense of their unique narrative voice.
At the end of the course, participants will have completed a draft of a short story. They will leave with an understanding of the building blocks of a story including plot, character, setting, and style.
What skills and knowledge will participants gain through this course?
Participants will add a spectrum of skills to their writing toolbox, such as: writing a gripping first line; inventing captivating characters; world-building; how to write a plot outline. These narrative techniques will equip students to write imaginatively and express themselves with clarity and style.
Participants will share their work with each other and become more perceptive readers through understanding the craft of fiction and participating in peer review.
Who should take this course?
Anyone who loves being creative and wants to explore fiction-writing in a supportive environment.
Anyone who wants to enhance their skills as a reader and writer.
Highlights and Learning
Finding inspiration in the outside world
Writing a plot outline
Creating and revealing character
The importance of setting
How to read like a writer
Sentence and paragraph structure
In-class writing experiments
Detailed individual feedback
Age range – 10-18
Distance Learning Sessions
Distance Learning Session 1 – April 12 and May 21, 2022
Distance Learning Session 2 – June 22 and August 3, 2022
Summer School Courses
Our summer courses are specifically designed for students who wish to study intensively in a short period of time.
Junior MBA Programme
Applying for University
University Interview Skills
Creative Writing
Personal Statement Writing
Applied Mathematics
Quantum Theory
English Masterclass
Critical Thinking
Making an Impact
Creative Problem Solving
Digital Marketing
Social Media
Suite 2703-04 (27th floor), Al Moosa Tower 2, Near Emirates Tower Metro Station (South Exit), Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
+971 55 956 4344
+971 4 355 4850
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