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+971 4 355 4850
Dubai- UAE
Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare

Brown University

Brown University Admission Consulting

Brown University Overview

Founded in 1764, Brown University is a leading research university with an innovative educational system. The university is nestled in College Hill in Providence, Rhode Island. It is one of the oldest institutes in America and the oldest of the IVY league institutes. The engineering program in this institute started way back in 1847, and it subsequently added Masters and Doctoral studies later in the century. Brown University is an ideal choice for you if you are looking for an IVY league institute with an innovative approach to education. The institute offers a great extent of autonomy to its students from research to designing their curriculum.

Brown University Campuses

The university boasts of a unique teaching style and extensive research in all areas of study. The University's main campus College Hill is surrounded by a scenic marketplace that offers students a place to relax and have a vibrant social life. On their website, they talk about a vast range of undergraduate and graduate courses.

Brown University Programs


Brown university undergraduate courses also have an open curriculum, and they offer a wide range of Doctoral, Master's, and Medical degree programs. The institute has produced eight Nobel laureates and many Pulitzer prize winners.

Undergraduate programs - Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, and a wide array of pre-college programs. Brown university has several Master’s programs, Doctoral programs, Professional Education, Medical Degree, and Combined Degree programs.

Brown University Application Requirements
  • Supplemental Essay from Brown University
  • Coalition Application or Common Application
  • SAT Subject Test scores -2 tests (recommended)
  • SAT or ACT scores
  • Two recommendations from teachers in major academic subjects
  • High school transcript with grades, GPA, & class rank
  • School report
  • Midyear Report
  • Guidance counselor forms
  • Graded paper from a humanities or Social Studies Class
  • Alumni interview in-person or Video profile submission
  • USD 75 application fee or a fee waiver

Nestled in the heart of Providence, Rhode Island, Brown University captivates with its unique and progressive approach to education. One of the most distinctive facts about Brown is its open curriculum, empowering students to shape their academic journey and explore diverse subjects without rigid requirements. This fosters a culture of intellectual independence and creativity, setting Brown apart. With a rich history that dates back to 1764, Brown boasts an illustrious list of alumni including renowned authors, entrepreneurs, and public figures. Its commitment to fostering a spirit of innovation extends to its research endeavors, making it a hub for groundbreaking discoveries. Aspiring students drawn to intellectual exploration, individuality, and a commitment to learning beyond boundaries will find Brown University an exceptional and enriching academic home.


At Brown University, student growth is nurtured through a distinctive educational philosophy that emphasizes exploration, autonomy, and interdisciplinary collaboration. The open curriculum empowers students to take charge of their learning, allowing them to delve deeply into their passions while also exploring new and unexpected fields. This unique approach not only fosters intellectual flexibility but also encourages students to develop critical thinking skills by connecting ideas across disciplines. The close-knit and supportive community at Brown provides ample opportunities for mentorship and engagement, ensuring that students not only excel academically but also develop as well-rounded individuals. With a rich array of resources, from research centers to extracurricular activities, Brown University cultivates an environment where students can grow intellectually, personally, and socially, preparing them to become future leaders who can adapt to an ever-evolving world.

Details at a Glance:

2,477 courses
1,429 faculty members
1,800+ international students
7:1 student-to-faculty ratio
635 Fulbright Scholars to date
80+ undergraduate programs
84 doctoral and master’s programs
Acceptance rate - 7 percent.


  • Suite 2703-04 (27th floor), Al Moosa Tower 2, Near Emirates Tower Metro Station (South Exit), Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
  • +971 55 956 4344
    +971 4 355 4850

How Dr. Anil Khare Can Assist You in Getting Admission to Brown University?

It is imperative to understand that you need an International Education expert and counselor who applies a no-nonsense approach to your future and college selection. Dr. Anil Khare brings in years of IVY league expertise with him that helps you from selecting the right college to finding what can work in your favor when applying to a particular institute. Dr. Anil Khare has worked in the international education industry for more than two decades. He has helped thousands of students select the right college and prepare so that they do not waste their precious time over unnecessary details ad hit the bull’s eye at the very first attempt.


His experience and understanding of the best colleges and what they ask for in an applicant sets him apart from other educational experts. If you come to Amourion Institute, rest assured that you will get the right advice on how to get to the college of your dreams.


If you are looking for undergraduate courses in America and Europe or any other global institute, then look no further. We have an expert in-house counseling team to help you choose the most suitable college and help you through the entire admission process.


Call us today to learn more about how Dr. Anil Khare and Amourion Training Institute can help you reach your dream college.

    Looking for Admissions in Brown University?

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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