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Study in Ireland

Ireland Universities Admission Consulting

If you are looking for quality education and a challenging curriculum, why not study in Ireland? Quality education at world-class institutions is available from the best Irish universities. Many top universities in the world are located in the top of all research institutes in the planet. Some of the planets best and leading businesses have key research facilities here at the heart of Dublin, which provides excellent career opportunities to international students.

When considering your options of where to study abroad, you may want to consider studying in Ireland. There are many great benefits to studying in Ireland over studying in other countries. You will have access to some of the most advanced research facilities and best universities in the planet. The living conditions are very conducive for academics. Ireland offers a truly ‘green’ environment for students.

A popular study abroad option for international students is the granting of a tuition fee scholarship. Tuition fee scholarships are one of the more attractive ways of funding your overseas studies, as they are fully funded and can be used towards accommodation and other essential costs of studying in Ireland. Some universities and colleges offer a tuition fee scholarship as an incentive to attract students to study in their country. You should check what sort of scholarship is available before you apply.

If you are an international student and would like to study in Ireland, you may be eligible for a bursary scholarship. A bursary scholarship is awarded on the basis of financial need. Students maynooth only apply for bursary funding from Ireland universities and colleges. There are numerous Galway, Cork and Dublin bursaries available to international students. If you live in Ireland and would like to avail of a bursary on the grounds of deserving financial need, you should contact the Financial Aid Department of your University or College.

For those international students who prefer to study in Ireland because it offers the best education systems and the most multicultural living conditions, emigrating to Ireland may be the best option. This emigration is usually preferred by those with skills that can readily be utilised in Ireland. In recent years, there has been a growing number of companies that set up operations in Ireland. These companies often hire individuals with the necessary skills. They may not be offered work permits, but they do offer good work permit benefits. As a result, many people have chosen to emigrate to Ireland where they can reside while receiving top level education.

Apart from these positive factors, emigrating to Ireland can also bring you great health benefits. In Ireland, air conditioning is common and the temperature remains cooler compared to that of Australia and UK. It is very popular study abroad option among international students as it allows them to live in a more cosmopolitan setting. Some of the leading universities offer accommodation options for international students to study in Ireland.

The Irish student grant scheme is very popular among overseas students as it allows them to avail of a number of facilities including free tuition fees for full time students. In addition to this, the scheme provides students the opportunity to earn a living by working in Irish businesses. The Irish economy is one of the fastest growing in Europe. This is the main reason why there is an increasing demand for skilled workers in Ireland. The universities offer various post graduate programs at the graduate and postgraduate levels.

Students who are pursuing a doctoral degree in any field other than medicine or law will also be eligible for a National Health Service (NHS) card. An aspiring doctor needs to obtain a waiver from the Minister of Health prior to undergoing an actual residency in Ireland. During this time, he or she may visit Ireland either for the purpose of completing his or her postgraduate studies or to obtain a clinical internship. On completion of the residency, a doctor may then apply for a visa to enter the country. This is necessary for all doctoral candidates in any discipline other than medicine. A student grant scheme in Ireland thus ensures that the PhD students pursue their doctorate degrees in a financially comfortable manner.

Top Universities in Ireland
  • National College of Ireland
  • Trinity College Dublin
  • University College Dublin
  • Technological university Dublin
  • Nui Galway
Cost of studying/accommodation in Ireland

Undergraduate studies can cost from Euro 10,000- Euro 26,000(Per Year)

Postgraduate studies can cost from Euro 10,000- Euro 35,000 (Per Year)

Accommodation can range from Euro 400 – Euro 800 (Per Month)

Food can cost approximately Euro 200- Euro 300 (Per Month)

Career Opportunities in Ireland

Students after completing their course in Ireland can get up to 2 years of post-study work visa to start looking for jobs. The Irish Critical Skills Employment Permit is a job-offer based work permit which allows immigrants to work in Ireland in a role that pays at least €60,000 per year, or at least €30,000 per year if the job is on Ireland's Highly Skilled Occupations List. Either the worker or the employer can apply for this visa.

If you are interested in applying to the best universities in Ireland and want assistance, book your counseling session with us now.

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