The Junior MBA programme is a 12-week programme designed to deliver an MBA style curriculum to primary school students. The essence of the programme is to deliver MBA modules to children aged from 6-11 years old with four learning goals:
Course Outcomes:
To encourage students to think critically
To provide basic financial literacy skills to students
To encourage collaboration among students
To improve presentation skills of students
Summer School Courses
Our summer courses are specifically designed for students who wish to study intensively in a short period of time.
Junior MBA Programme
Applying for University
University Interview Skills
Creative Writing
Personal Statement Writing
Applied Mathematics
Quantum Theory
English Masterclass
Critical Thinking
Making an Impact
Creative Problem Solving
Digital Marketing
Social Media
Suite 2703-04 (27th floor), Al Moosa Tower 2, Near Emirates Tower Metro Station (South Exit), Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
+971 55 956 4344
+971 4 355 4850
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