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UAE Universities Admission Consulting

UAE is home to many top-ranking global universities like Canadian University, Modul University & the American University of Dubai.

Universities in UAE offers both on-campus and off-campus degree option.

An aspiring student needs to look for various factors before enrolling in any university abroad. Exposure to a global faculty, brighter career prospects are some of the things one must take into account while planning. If you’re considering higher education in UAE, take a dip into the academics of this country.

The UAE invigorates well-developed universities from around the world. Students can pursue their dreams because UAE is a well-cultured country where people are very friendly to you and there is a favorable atmosphere. Not only students, each and every person gets exposure to different things. Furthermore, there is a number of top universities from which students can choose and apply, it will be very helpful for them to pursue the careers they want.

List of Globally Accredited Universities in UAE

The UAE has some of the top university of the world that have been featured in the QS World University Rankings 2018.

It has a total of 58 private and 5 public universities.

List of Top Public Universities in UAE
  • Zayed University
  • Higher Colleges of Technology
  • Dubai Medical College for Girls
  • Afraaz University
  • Emirates College for Management & Information Technology
List of Top Private Universities in UAE
  • Al Ghurair University
  • American College of Dubai
  • British University in Dubai
  • Amity University Dubai
  • Canadian University Of Dubai
  • The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
  • Manipal University
Top Universities by US News Ranking
  • Khalifa University
  • United Arab Emirates University
  • American University of Sharjah
  • Masdar Institute of Science and Technology
  • Petroleum Institute Abu Dhabi
Top Universities by QS World University Ranking
  • United Arab Emirates University
  • Khalifa University
  • American University of Sharjah
  • American University in Dubai
  • University of Sharjah
  • Zayed University
  • Abu Dhabi University
Why is Dubai ideal for higher education?

Pursuing education in UAE means discovering new horizons. Although, the educational institutions in UAE are quite young compared to the rest of the world, but the quality is equivalent to global standards.

The country is known for its warmth and hospitality, but is turning its focus to better academic systems. A student can opt for various disciplines like literature, science, engineering and technology. With easy- to-get student visa, off and on campus residence facility, food and security, UAE is on its way to establish itself among top notch universities in the world. Students can find an extensive network of alumni from the best universities in UAE, to guide the freshly graduated students to optimize better career opportunities in the country.

With Expo 2020/2021 fast approaching, more and more job opportunities to work at an international platform have reached great heights.

How to apply for Admissions in UAE Top Universities

With numerous universities offering a wide array of courses, it is advisable to spend sufficient time in exploring the courses offered by these universities. If you are an international student who wants to study in UAE, check for the mode of instruction in a specific university. The official language is Arabic, but many universities teach in English because of high student influx. Visit the sites of universities to find out the tuition fees and other pre requites. If you belong to a non-English speaking country, a certificate of qualified TOFEL or IELTS test will be required as a roof of your proficiency. Once you are determined to study in UAE and is confident about the course, submit your application to the respective university. Below is a list of documents a student will require at the time of the application:

  1. Copy of passport
  2. Certificate and mark sheets of previous academic qualifications
  3. Recent photographs
  4. TOFEL or IELTS certificates
  5. Student Visa
Terms and conditions for UAE Student visa

Following things needs to be kept in mind while applying for a student visa:

  • A relative or parent can sponsor for a student
  • In case of no relative, universities also sponsor their
  • A student visa is valid for one year, which is annually renewed with adequate proof of continuation of study from the university.

Studying in UAE is great when you have the right information. Before heading to the country, make sure you are well aware of the country’s cultural norms. Keep in mind the above-mentioned things to enjoy hassle free admission procedures.

When to Apply for admission in UAE Top Universities

If you are planning to study in UAE, the major intakes in UAE are usually in January and September, however certain programs are also available with multiple intakes such as Foundation, short courses part time MBA’s etc.

Are you interested to study in UAE? Call Us now to Schedule Counseling Sessions With our Expert Admission Consultant in Dubai.

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