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Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare

Harvard University

Harvard University Admission Consulting

Harvard University Overview

Harvard is considered a prestigious institute not only in the USA but across the world. It is located in Cambridge and Boston, Massachusetts. Harvard is a private Ivy League research university, and it was established in 1636. The university is mainly research-driven and dedicated to developing leaders in various fields.

Notable Alumni of the institute include Mark Elliot Zuckerberg – Co-founder of Facebook, Barack Obama Ex-President of the USA, Bill Gates Co-founder of Microsoft.

Harvard University Campuses

Harvard has three main campuses Cambridge, Allston, and Longwood. Harvard's main campus is located on Harvard Yard in Cambridge. Harvard Business School, Harvard Innovation Labs, and many other athletics facilities, including Harvard Stadium, are located on a large campus in Allston, a Boston neighborhood just across the Charles River from the Cambridge campus. The Medical School, School of Dental Medicine, and the School of Public Health are located on a huge campus in Boston. There are several hospitals and research institutes in the area that are also affiliated with Harvard.

Harvard University Programs

There is a wide range of programs offered by Harvard. It includes medicine, divinity, design, arts and science, education, engineering, applied sciences, public health, and advanced studies.

Harvard has more than 20000 undergraduate students and a vast number of alumni across the world. Harvard offers programs in a wide range of disciplines like business, public policy, law, design, education, theatre, engineering, arts, medicine, and dental medicine. The university has robust financial aid plans, and more than half of its undergraduate students have been awarded 160 million in assistance. Harvard has the world’s largest private library system, and it also manages various science, arts, and cultural museums.

Harvard University Rankings

The university is ranked in the number one position worldwide by the US News. The QS worldwide ranking puts Harvard at the 3rd position.

Harvard University Application Requirements
  • Common Application submitted online
  • High school transcripts
  • Counselor recommendation
  • Teacher recommendations
  • Midyear report
  • Cornell has suspended the SAT/ACT testing requirement for 2021 and 2022 applicants.
  • Questions and Writing Supplement CA / Cornell Supplement (UCA)
  • $80 application fee
  • Interviews or portfolio and design submissions if applicable to the course applied

Details at a Glance:

Acceptance rate - 4.7%
Avg cost after aid is $16K


  • Suite 2703-04 (27th floor), Al Moosa Tower 2, Near Emirates Tower Metro Station (South Exit), Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai
  • +971 55 956 4344
    +971 4 355 4850

How Dr. Anil Khare Can Assist You in Getting Admission to Harvard University?

It is imperative to understand that you need an International Education expert and counselor who applies a no-nonsense approach to your future and college selection. Dr. Anil Khare brings in years of IVY league expertise to help you select the right college and find out what can work in your favor when applying to a particular institute. Dr. Anil Khare has worked in the international education industry for more than two decades. He has helped thousands of students select the right college and prepare so that they do not waste their precious time over unnecessary details ad hit the bull’s eye at the very first attempt.

His experience and understanding of the best colleges and what they ask for in an applicant sets him apart from other educational experts. If you come to Amourion Institute, rest assured that you will get the right advice on how to get to the college of your dreams.

Navigating the complex landscape of admissions to Harvard University requires a guiding hand that combines expertise, strategy, and personalized support. Dr. Anil Khare emerges as the beacon of assistance, offering a comprehensive approach that ensures your application stands out in the competitive pool. With over two decades of experience in education and admissions consulting, Dr. Khare possesses an intimate knowledge of Harvard’s unique requirements and values. His guidance transcends conventional counseling, delving into the intricacies that set Harvard apart and tailoring your application to reflect the qualities that resonate with the university’s ethos.

Dr. Khare’s approach begins with a personalized assessment of your strengths, experiences, and aspirations. He collaborates closely with you to craft a strategic roadmap that optimizes your academic achievements, extracurricular pursuits, and personal narrative. Beyond the conventional metrics, Dr. Khare recognizes the importance of showcasing your character, leadership potential, and your alignment with Harvard’s commitment to making a positive impact on society.

A highlight of Dr. Khare’s guidance lies in his meticulous attention to detail when it comes to your application essays. He understands that your essays are the canvas upon which you paint your unique story. Through insightful guidance and iterative feedback, he empowers you to weave a narrative that not only captivates the admissions committee but also presents your genuine voice and aspirations.

Furthermore, Dr. Khare’s mentorship extends beyond the application itself. He prepares you to excel in interviews, highlighting your readiness to thrive in Harvard’s intellectually stimulating environment. His guidance helps you align your interview responses with Harvard’s academic culture, ensuring you present yourself as a candidate who can contribute meaningfully to the university’s community.

Dr. Anil Khare’s remarkable success record stands as a testament to his effectiveness in guiding students to secure admission to Harvard University. His approach isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution; it’s a personalized journey that equips you with the skills, insights, and confidence to present your best self to the admissions committee. With Dr. Khare by your side, your aspirations to join the ranks of Harvard students become more than a dream – they become a tangible reality, backed by strategic guidance, unwavering support, and a deep understanding of what it takes to thrive at one of the world’s most esteemed institutions.

If you are looking for undergraduate courses in America and Europe or any other global institute, look no further. We have an expert in-house counseling team to help you choose the most suitable college and help you through the entire admission process.

Call us today to learn more about how Dr. Anil Khare and Amourion Training Institute can help you reach your dream college.

    • Subject
    • Maths
    • Physics
    • Chemistry
    • Economics

    Looking for admission in Harvard University?

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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