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University of Genoa

The University of Genoa, known also with the acronym UniGe (Italian: Università di Genova), is a public research university. It is one of the largest universities in Italy and it is located in the city of Genoa, on the Italian Riviera in the Liguria region of northwestern Italy. The original university was founded in 1481.

The University of Genoa is organized in several independent campuses located in different city areas:

the Balbi campus: includes the Rectorate, the central administration offices, the departments of Economics, Humanities, Philosophy, Languages, Law and Political Science;
the Sarzano campus: includes the departments of Education Sciences and Architecture;
the Albaro campus: comprises the departments of Engineering;
the Valletta Puggia campus: comprises the Departments of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry;

the San Martino campus: comprises the Departments of Medicine and Earth Sciences; Of great historical and artistic interest are the buildings in Via Balbi and in particular: the main university premises (via Balbi, 5) designed by the architect Bartolomeo Bianco and built in 1640, Palazzo Balbi Cattaneo (via Balbi, 2), and Palazzo Balbi Senarega (via Balbi, 4). Also of major historical interest is the complex of Albergo dei Poveri (piazza Emanuele Brignole). The university’s botanical garden, the Orto Botanico dell’Università di Genova, occupies one hectare in the city center, just above the university’s main building. University of Genoa also has a number of regional campuses in Savona, Imperia, Ventimiglia and La Spezia. In particular, the Savona campus: hosts courses in Engineering, Medicine and Communication Sciences; the La Spezia campus: hosts courses in Engineering, Design, Economics and Law; the Imperia campus: hosts courses in Law and Economics. Near Ventimiglia, the University of Genoa operates the Hanbury Botanical Garden, a Protected Area and candidate for UNESCO World Heritage status within the “Mediterranean Alps” project.
Navigate the journey to University of Genoa seamlessly with Italy admission services in Dubai by Dr. Anil Khare. A respected study abroad and educational consultant, he offers top-tier admission counseling. Simplify university application processing for Italy with Dubai and UAE’s premier admission counselor. Gain unparalleled university guidance for Italy and personalized support. Connect with Dr. Anil Khare today, your trusted admission consultant in Dubai, to shape study abroad dreams into reality. Reach out at +971 55 956 4344 and embark on your educational journey with confidence. Your aspirations deserve expert guidance for success.

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