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Study in Germany

Germany Education Consultants in Dubai

German Universities Admission Consulting

Germany is often mentioned as one of the most attractive countries to study in Europe today. It’s got beautiful countryside and breathtaking architecture. It offers a wealth of cultural history. It also offers some pretty awesome locations for adventures. And, best of all, it’s a safe country to study in.

But what are the important considerations when thinking about moving to Germany? How do you find accommodation in Germany while attending university? And what are the best things about studying in Germany? Here are some ideas on finding accommodation and tuition fees for international students.

If you want to study in Germany, you need to get a student visa. To get a student visa, you will have to submit an application to the German Federal Office for Student Affairs (Bundeskarte). This office will decide which type of student visa you qualify for based on your education level and family status.

Academic Examinations For international students, getting into one of the selected universities in Germany is easier than you think. Most universities in Germany require an equivalent academic achievement, which means that you will need an English degree. Some universities in Germany do not require an international student visa, but they do require you to have a German residence permit.

Government Tuition Fees Although the government does not offer financial assistance to study in Germany, there are some private universities and colleges in the country that provide financial aid for people who want to study in Germany. Most of these universities have tuition fees that are subsidized, meaning that the government pays for the tuition fees. Students can also opt for the paid study program, which covers living expenses and partial tuition fees.

Most public universities in Germany have a study abroad program for undergraduates, post-baccalaureate courses, and graduate studies. Students can choose to enroll in one of these programs, which usually covers the cost of tuition fees, or take advantage of the different post-secondary opportunities that are available in Germany. Post-secondary education in Germany consists of two components. First, the student will complete vocational training, which usually covers science and math, in addition to English and German language courses. The second part of the study involves taking classes in the various disciplines that are related to their chosen profession, such as nursing or architecture.

In order to study in Germany, an international student must be eligible to receive a study visa. Students can obtain an international student visa through the University System of Germany, which is the most common way of enrolling in universities in Germany. However, there are also other ways to get an international student visa. If a student is enrolled at a university in another country, such as the United Kingdom or Sweden, and wants to take a class in Germany, he or she will have to apply for a study visa, which is different from a study visa that is obtained through the University system. The latter visa is only required if the student will be studying for a year or more at the school.

The study permit and the residence permit are not necessary if a person is not eligible to receive a study visa. However, these are the requirements that most students need in order to study in Germany. An international student visa and the appropriate study visa are required if an individual wish to study medicine in Germany. The National Health Service (NHS) and the Federal Employment Office provide assistance to allow non-EU/EEA citizens to study in Germany.

Requirements for Germany Universities

Aspiring students can apply through Uni Assist which conducts preparatory processing and evaluation for the students who are willing to study Bachelor’s or Master’s program in Germany and asses their university entrance qualification upon the availability of following:

Academic Requirements- For aspiring students to study undergraduate program in Germany, Usually the academic requirement is a high school diploma, school leaving certificate or university entrance qualification. The requirements for specific universities can be checked on DAAD.

Language Requirements- As most of the programs are taught in the German language, students may be required to produce proof of proficiency in the German Language. There are commonly two language tests are accepted for Language proficiency however TestDaF is chosen by international students more often as it is offered in 95 different countries around the world.

If students select a program which is taught in the English language then, they may need to produce English languages proficiency test such as IELTS or TOEFL.

German University Application Process

Every university may have their own specific requirements for admissions. Usually, students need to be ready with certain documents such as Certified High School Diploma or Previous Completed Degree, Proof of German Language Proficiency (TestDaf) or Proof of English Language Proficiency (IELTS or TOEFL) as per their program requirement and Letter of Intention.

Additionally, for visa documentation process students need to have valid health insurance and show evidence of financials of 8800 Euro for one year wherein many students opt for blocked accounts to show their financial stability. Please check for visa rules and regulations with concern authority in your country as the requirements may vary.

Deadlines and Cost to Study in Germany

Usually, the deadlines for summer intake are 15th January and deadlines for winter intake are 15th July, however, a university may have specific deadlines for their PG programs or Preparatory course. Please check with the university website for program-specific deadlines.

As most of the institutions are financed by the state in Germany and free, there are few institutions where students may need to pay for their tuition fees which are still comparatively lower than other EU nations.

Are you interested to study in Germany? Call Us now to Schedule Counseling Sessions With our Expert German Admission Consultant in Dubai.

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