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Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare
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Anil KhareAnil KhareAnil Khare


Globalization and careers

Many believe that globalization and careers are interrelated. However, there are actually distinct differences between the two. Globalization has affected all aspects of life including business, economics, politics, and culture. As globalization has occurred over the last quarter century, so has the development of careers and the economy. However, one of the biggest forces of […]
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Virtual expatriates

The growth and development of Virtual Expatriates has seen a number of foreign professionals and skilled workers taking up work in the United Kingdom. Some prefer the ease and comfort of living in the UK to working elsewhere, and for others the benefits of the social environment they find here are incomparable. Many offer their […]
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Anticipatory socialization

Anticipatory socialization can be defined as the process, facilitated by various social interactions, in which members of a group learn how to accept the basic values and principles of other groups so as to facilitate their entrance into the group and aid them socially interact actively once they are already accepted in it. This is […]
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College student career development

College student career development centers provide students with the most effective ways to enrich their lives. The curriculum provided here covers career planning, skills, motivation, career choices, diversity awareness, job skills development, basic academic preparation, application techniques, career management, essential work skills, time management techniques, leadership skills, teamwork, self-evaluation, and much more. College student career […]
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What You Need to Know About IT Contractors

The boundaries of Boundaryless Career Change Management (BCM) have become blurred at a profound level. Technological change and organizational, global and competitive have obliterated the old professional models and obliterated the traditional framework for career progression and success. The boundary of boundless career planning has become permeable to every profession, every industry, and every geographic […]
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About Entrepreneurship

Is Math unique to humans just like all the other subjects we have taught in school? If we have been teaching math our whole lives then it makes sense that math would be common. But unfortunately it is not common. In fact in many classrooms around the world, math is not even taught anymore. This […]
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How Many Colleges Should I Apply To?

How many colleges should I apply to? This is a question that a lot of students ask when they are starting their college career. How many high school students should I apply to? Should I even bother to apply to any colleges if I don’t have to attend? These are questions that most students ask […]
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College Admissions Glossary of Terms

The college admissions glossary is a list of important terms that every student has to know. It is very common to find students who attend a top school and apply to that college, only to find out that there are many other top options available. This can be an intimidating experience for the most confident […]
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An Overview of Children With Special Needs

If you are a parent or guardian, you may be interested in learning more about how to give your child a gift that will allow them to utilize their abilities and develop the skills they need to be successful as adults. There are many options when it comes to children with special needs. This article […]
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The Social And Economic Relevance Of Mathematics Education

The need to explain the political and social relevance of mathematics education has never been more urgent. It is a matter of fact that the quality of our economy depends on how well students perform on standardized tests. And just as there are different aptitudes and skills, aptitude for math is also different in different […]
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)