A Career as a Biotechnologist is challenging, yet rewarding. It requires the application of a wide range of skills, all required to impact the advancement of medical science. There are two main career paths to choose from in the field of pharmaceuticals and technology. The more common career paths in the USA and UK are as follows:
Technological/Rural – This pathway has received the designation of being the most popular, as it provides the widest variety of opportunities and rewards. A technologist may find employment as a product developer, product manufacturer, quality assurance, technical specialist, and research scientist, amongst other roles. There is often the opportunity for a university or college to sponsor a specific role. During their studies a student can obtain a bachelor’s degree in science or engineering, which will be helpful if they wish to pursue a PhD in the future. The benefits of a career in this field include; high salary, good benefits, and the ability to explore international relations and develop international partnerships.
Medical-Nautical – This career path focuses on applying innovative scientific and technological principles to the medical sciences. The student will study a variety of subjects in the medical science curriculum such as pharmaceutical engineering, biotechnology, genetics, anatomy and physiology. The opportunities to advance in this career are vast and the wages are competitive. These courses will help the student to determine their interests and skills in relation to medicine, developing pharmaceutical and medical devices, diagnostic and drug development.
Medical-legal – There is a growing demand for healthcare professions in the UK and USA. This is because of the increased health spending and legal issues that come with the healthcare system. A career as a medical-legal specialist will involve the development of laws and medical ethics that are set for healthcare. They will work closely with healthcare providers and the legal system to ensure that healthcare providers follow the codes of ethics and standards of care. Career prospects include positions in research, education, and practice management.
Biotechnologist positions can be found in hospitals, physician’s offices, clinics and even in the research sector. The main job of these professionals is to promote new medical technologies in order to improve the health of patients. Some positions may involve working at a university or other colleges and teaching, consulting or being an administrator in various healthcare facilities. The areas of science that a biotechnologist can focus his or her training on our Biomedical Technology, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Computer Science, Nursing and Medicine, Public Health and Clinical Trials. Careers in this field are growing rapidly due to the need for medical specialists in the fields of bio-medical science.
The requirements for entry level positions in the medical science career field include having completed secondary school, receiving a diploma or the equivalent, having the ability to communicate and solve problems, analytical skills, interpersonal skills, excellent mathematical and verbal abilities, knowledge of medical terminology, good health and fitness, a sense of creativity and a sense of humor. Many colleges and universities offer courses on how to complete a medical careers program. There are many technical schools and colleges offering vocational programs for those interested in pursuing careers in the medical science field. The United States Depart of Labor has listed careers in the medical science field under careers in business, management, and public service as the most desired careers of the future.
If you have the desire and the skills to become a medical technologist, it is important to do your research on what it takes to get into this profession. It is important that you choose a reputable college and medical institution that are associated with the discipline of medicine. You will want to spend a lot of time in school learning everything you can about the medical arts and sciences so that when you enter into the workplace, you will be able to perform well in your position. Once you have completed your schooling, you may start your career as a biotechnologist by becoming an assistant to a physician or a nurse. This position usually does not involve too much responsibility.
The advancement of technology has made it possible for the career of a biotechnologist to grow and flourish. Because of this, there are more job opportunities available today than ever before. As long as you are committed to making a positive impact in the world through your work, there will always be a career in medical science that suits you.
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