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Dr. Anil Khare Launches his 5th Training Centre in Abu Dhabi, Hamdan Street.

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  • Dr. Anil Khare Launches his 5th Training Centre in Abu Dhabi, Hamdan Street.

In a tremendous accomplishment in his enlightening endeavours, Dr. Anil Khare, a famous IB Mentor, educationist, one of the best career counsellors, has opened his fifth Training Center in Abu Dhabi, Hamdan Street. This new establishment, named Amourion Training Center Abu Dhabi Hamdan Street, signifies an earth shattering expansion of Dr. Khare’s educational impression, dealing with the creating interest for quality tutoring in the enthusiastic Abu Dhabi city.

Dr. Khare’s commitment to giving first class IB. IGCSE tutoring has been persevering through all through his well-known lifetime. With a deeply grounded energy for supporting energetic characters and empowering individuals to show up at their most extreme limit, he has set up a strong groundwork for himself as a perceived figure in the field of preparation. His ability and responsibility essentially influence limitless lives, helping students with achieving academic significance in their IB and British Curriculum journey.

The Amourion Training center has an epic state of the art workplace, including smart classrooms, unlimited curriculum resources, 8-10 rooms for classes, private & online tutoring setup & of course highly experienced IB and IGCSE tutors providing students great improvement and performance in a quick span of time.  Moreover, the center is staffed by a gathering of experienced and qualified team members who support students also with their Career Counselling process for Top 100 Universities Abroad.

The center offers a broad extent of informational and capable planning programs, dealing with an alternate student people. These undertakings include:

  • IB Academic Support for IBDP, MYP & PYP
  • British Curriculum Support (IGCSE-AS-A-Level) for all boards
  • Training Prep Courses like IELTS-GRE-SAT-EmSAT-ACT-         GMAT-PTE & many more
  • Admission or Career Counselling for students who aim at Top 100 Universities Abroad including the prestigious IVY League Universities.

The center sees that each student has extraordinary learning styles and objectives, and it tailors its showing strategies similarly. Besides, the center gives students broad IB educational assistance, ensuring they have the resources and heading they need to succeed. Dr. Anil’s team of skilled IB Tutors provide academic support for Internal Assessments, Theory of Knowledge, Individual Orals, Extended Essay & also with CAS

With the underpinning of Amourion Training Center Abu Dhabi Hamdan Street, Dr. Anil Khare has reaffirmed his commitment to making quality preparation accessible to students of the IB, British, American, Canadian Curriculum students. Reach out to Dr. Anil Khare – +971 55 956 4344.

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